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Vrindavan Balavihar Houses

Arjunas_Arrows.jpg Bajrangis_Bolts.jpg Krishnas_Cowboys.jpg Durgas_Daredevils.jpg 

                                          House motto

About Balavihar Houses      Contests      Latest Standings       Upcoming Events       Gallery 


  • Bhajanotsav - Updates

    Page updated on 31st May 2024

    With Gurudev's Grace and Swami Shantananda ji's blessings, the Bhajanotsav event was conducted successfully and more than 100 children and 14 teams participated and sang beautifully, many with accompaniments, trained by their mentors. Even our youngest Sishuvihar kids presented 2 bhajans including a sweet one with actions. All children sang with a lot of enthusiasm and musicality. Three trained judges scored the teams and shared their feedback for the children to improve their performances. This was the second annual Bhajanotsav and we could see so much creativity this year including innovative percussions, electric guitar, salangai etc and the judges were all praise for the teams!  



    VrindavanHousePointsYear8 1



    Registration Open now. Parents, if you are interested in mentoring a group, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



















    Page updated on 1st June 2023

    The following 4 top performing teams in the Bhajanotsav will be recognized on June 10th. Congratulations to all the participants and mentors.



    Page updated on 29th April 2023

    With God's Grace and Gurudev's Blessings, the Bhajanotsav went very well this morning! We had a total of 17 teams participating including one from Shishuvihar! All the teams sang beautifully two bhajans of their choice. They were all trained by enthusiastic adult mentors. All children earned points for their House and judges will be providing detailed feedback to help them improved. Swamini Radhikananda ji blessed the event with her presence and started it off with a melodious bhajan. All children picked up participation prizes of their choice and snacks and juice after completing their performance. House points will be published soon. Pictures in our gallery. The event recording is available on YouTube.





    Page updated on 15th Dec 2022

    Registration is now open for Bhajanotsav. Parents please register your children and they will be assigned to a group according to their House and will be assigned a mentor who will coordinate the group. 


    Bhajanotsav Flyer 2022 2023 v5 1

    Page Updated on 3rd Nov 2022

    This is a new contest that has been announced this year to go with our theme of Bhakti! Please encourage your children to form groups of 3-6 children from their House (across grades is fine as long as they belong to the same House) - instrumentalists also welcome in the group. We are also looking for parent mentors. If you would like to help or have more questions please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.! 























    Page Updated on 03/21/22

    With God's and Gurudev's Grace and our Swamiji's blessings, the Shlokathon event was conducted successfully on March 12th over zoom. More than 120 children participated enthusiastically and chanted with devotion. Arjuna's Arrows took the lead in the event followed by Bajrangi's Bolts! Hearty Congratulations to all the children who participated. You can check your House Points here. Here is the final tally Housewise! Continue chanting the shlokas you have memorized and learn new ones to chant in the next Shlokathon event.

    Shlokathon 2022 House Points




    Shlokathon Registration closes on March 4th. The event will be held virtually from 1pm-4pm over zoom on March 12th. Please click here to register. Children will be expected to chant the shlokas from memory. For longer shlokas, it is acceptable for children to chant as many as they have memorized. All children will get participation prizes and earn House Points.


    Final slide BV Houses Inaugural CV website


    If you need the script for the Shlokas please click on the image below and then click on the particular shloka. Most shlokas are available in the My Prayers book or the Chinmaya Book of Hymns. 

    Shloka Details


  • Geeta Chanting Videos

    Page Updated on 31st May 2024

    Hearty Congratulations to all our Geeta Chanting participants and those that have qualified for the Finals in Chicago in July.





    Page Updated on 5th Oct 2023

    2023 Gita Chanting EARN house points





















    Page updated on 13th April 2023

    Thank you to all the classes and the parents who sent in the videos! We hope that the feedback has been useful! We hope you have all registered for the Geeta chanting regionals on April 22nd. Here are the total points for Geeta Chanting!



    Page Updated on 3rd Nov 2022


    2022 GC EARN house points





















    Page Updated on 03/21/22

    With God's and Gurudev's Grace and our Swamiji's blessings, the Shlokathon event was conducted successfully on March 12th over zoom. More than 120 children participated enthusiastically and chanted with devotion. Arjuna's Arrows took the lead in the event followed by Bajrangi's Bolts! Hearty Congratulations to all the children who participated. You can check your House Points here. Here is the final tally Housewise! Continue chanting the shlokas you have memorized and learn new ones to chant in the next Shlokathon event.

    Shlokathon 2022 House Points




    Shlokathon Registration closes on March 4th. The event will be held virtually from 1pm-4pm over zoom on March 12th. Please click here to register. Children will be expected to chant the shlokas from memory. For longer shlokas, it is acceptable for children to chant as many as they have memorized. All children will get participation prizes and earn House Points.


    Final slide BV Houses Inaugural CV website


    If you need the script for the Shlokas please click on the image below and then click on the particular shloka. Most shlokas are available in the My Prayers book or the Chinmaya Book of Hymns. 

    Shloka Details


  • Likhita Japa - 2023-24

    Page updated on 5th Oct 2023

    WhatsApp Image 2023 09 27 at 22.50.41 42f03bc3















    Page updated on 2nd June 2023

    We would like to recognize the following Top Scorers in Likhita Japa. They earned the maximum points for their House. Great job! They will be recognized on June 10th during the Mela.  Please keep writing over the summer!



    We would also like to invite the following children who scored more than 100 points to come and pick up their participation prizes on Mela Day from the Carnival Prizes booth.





    House Points as of March 1st 2023 ( There will be another round of scoring the weekend of April 28/30)







    Likhitha Japa 3 



































































































    Year 2022-23

    This year all Balavihar children have been given notebooks in their House color with pages to write Likhita Japa. The mantras to be written are also given in the notebook. Children can start writing in their notebooks. House team members will come to the sessions and score the Likhita Japa notebook for points a few times during the year. Flyer and more details to follow. 


















    Likhita Japa

  • Seva and Field Day - March 16th 2024


                                              Please register to help us plan! Hope to see everyone at the Ashram!SevaFieldDay

  • Shloka Classes

    YEAR 2022-23

    Spots still open for a few more classes - click here to register.

    Shloka Classes 22 23 at Chinmaya Vrindavan 6


















































































    YEAR 2021-2022

    Shloka Classes at Chinmaya Vrindavan 2 1

  • Shlokathon - March 9th 2024

    Page updated on 4th April 2024

    Arjuna's Arrows lead the Shlokathon event


    VrindavanHousePointsY8 Shlokathon 04042024


    Congratulations to Arjuna's Arrows for taking the lead in the Shlokathon event! Congratulations to all children who participated. The scores and the feedback from judges have been emailed to everyone. Hope the children keep learning and practicing the shlokas and come back with more for next year's event.



    Page updated on 8th March 2024

    Shlokathon will happen between 1-4pm on March 9th. Emails with timeslots have gone out to all registered participants. If you can't find it, please check your Spam folders first and then write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any questions. Children will chant in front of the judges and then chant one or two shlokas in the main temple hall before picking up their participation prizes. We look forward to seeing all the children on Saturday and offer their Shlokas to Bhagavan with devotion! 

    Page updated on 3rd Jan 2024

    Shlokathon Registration Flyer

    Click here for the list of Shlokas for this year.













    Page updated on 25th May 2023

    We are happy to recognize the following top scorers in the Shlokathon event during the Chinmaya Vrindavan Mela on June 10th. 



    We are also happy to recognize the following chanters for their Excellence in chanting!



    Page updated on 22nd March 2023


    With Pujya Gurudev's Grace and Swami Shantananda ji's Blessings, the Shlokathon event went very well on 18th March 2023. Children memorized and chanted shlokas in front of the judges and earned participation points for their Houses and prizes. Check out the event pictures in the Gallery.


    Page updated on 16th March 2023

    All participants who have registered for the Shlokathon have been emailed their timeslot. Please check the spam folder also for the email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The event will happen in the Chinmaya Vrindavan Ashram from 1pm-4pm on Saturday 18th March. If you have any questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to seeing all the registered children chanting with devotion on Saturday! Good luck to all the participants.


    Page updated on 15th Dec 2022

    Please click here for the list of Shlokas you can chant in the Shlokathon and points you can earn (also see below the flyer). The lyrics are also given for some of the shlokas.

    Please click here to register for the Shlokathon.



    List of Shlokas for this year's Shlokathon.



    Page Updated on 26th Oct 2022

    Please click here for the list of Shlokas you can chant in Shlokathon and points you can earn. 






















    Page Updated on 03/21/22

    With God's and Gurudev's Grace and our Swamiji's blessings, the Shlokathon event was conducted successfully on March 12th over zoom. More than 120 children participated enthusiastically and chanted with devotion. Arjuna's Arrows took the lead in the event followed by Bajrangi's Bolts! Hearty Congratulations to all the children who participated. You can check your House Points here. Here is the final tally Housewise! Continue chanting the shlokas you have memorized and learn new ones to chant in the next Shlokathon event.

    Shlokathon 2022 House Points




    Shlokathon Registration closes on March 4th. The event will be held virtually from 1pm-4pm over zoom on March 12th. Please click here to register. Children will be expected to chant the shlokas from memory. For longer shlokas, it is acceptable for children to chant as many as they have memorized. All children will get participation prizes and earn House Points.


    Final slide BV Houses Inaugural CV website


    If you need the script for the Shlokas please click on the image below and then click on the particular shloka. Most shlokas are available in the My Prayers book or the Chinmaya Book of Hymns. 

    Shloka Details


  • Storytelling - Jan 20th 2024

    Page updated on 25th Jan 2024


    Storytelling/Oratorical Contest Top Scorers

    Congratulations to all our wonderful participants in the contest. Here are the list of our Top Scorers! They will be recognized on the Bala Vihar Annual Day. You can see the recording of the Story telling Contest here

    2024 Storytelling Results








    Page Updated on 5th Oct 2023

    Registration for Storytelling is now open! 

    Storytelling Flyer 2024 Yellow













































































    Page updated on 25th May 2023

    All the winners of the Houses Storytelling contest will be recognized on June 10th Mela day with a token appreciation and blessings from Swamiji! 

    Year 2022-23

    We are happy to announce the Houses Storytelling results - the scores were very close and we would like to congratulate all the participants!



    Congratulations Arjuna's Arrows!



    Updated Feb 1 2023


    Hari OM!

    What a great line up it was! Such enchanting storytelling from all our participants today! We will be publishing the results by Sunday 29th Jan! 

    (Updated on 28th Jan 2023)

    Time Slots have been emailed to all participants! Please arrive 25 mins before the start of your time slot! If you haven't received the email or have any questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    (Updated on 26th Jan 2023)

    Emails have been sent out to registered participants to confirm participation and the title of the story. Please respond soon if you haven't yet. Registration closes Thursday morning 26th Jan. Time slots will be emailed soon to all participants. Please check in 30 mins before your time slot. The program will be from 1pm-5pm in the Chinmaya Vrindavan Ashram. Looking forward to listening to all our young storytellers! Good Luck! 

    (updated 25th Jan 2023)


    This year the Story telling contest will be held on Jan 28th 2023 (Tentative) in person at the Ashram. Please click here to register.

    Storytelling Flyer 2022 2023






    Updated on 3/3/2022

    Congratulations to all the participants! All of you are winners! Judges had a tough time deciding the top performers. 



     House Standings after the Storytelling Contest:


    VrindavanHousePoints 02102022





    An email has been sent to all those who have registered. Please respond with the story that your child will be sharing! They can dress up and use props as well to enhance their storytelling! The event will be on Zoom from 4.30pm-6.30pm on Saturday. Those who haven't registered yet, you can do it here.

    storytelling Oratorical contest flyer 2021 22