Balavihar Curriculum
Grade | Topic |
Toddler Pre-K | Mythological value based stories, Arts & Crafts projects, Yoga, Sanskrit Vocabulary |
Kindergarten | Simple values like aspiration, brotherhood, cleanliness etc. are taught through animal stories and coloring. Through simple hands-on activities and demonstrations, children learn that just because something is not seen does not mean it is not there! Hence, the need to fix our mind. |
Grade 1 | Bala Ramayana Children listen to the story of Ramayana and learn to comprehend the values that Sri Rama lived by. Coloring and drawing scenes, and following the trails of Sri Rama's journey with events and stories inspire children and develop their imagination. |
Grade 2 | Hanuman the Super Superman "Have a backbone like a ruler and rule the world." Learn from Hanumanji's example - courage, strength, fearlessness, alertness, discipline, eloquence etc., as these qualities make us physically as well as mentally strong, and help us develop a majestic personality. |
Grade 3 | Bala Bhagavatam Part 1 - Dasavataram Stories of Lord Vishnu's main avatars teach children how to measure happiness in this world and the right means to achieve it. They are taught how to develop discrimination between needs and wants, and responsibility by owning up to their choices and learning from them. |
Grade 4 | Bala Bhagavatam Part 2 - Krishna Everywhere - My 24 teachers Lord Krishna's leelas teach children about sharing, self-discipline, and integrity. They are taught to introspect and observe themselves. Through the text My Twenty-four Teachers, they understand how all aspects of mother nature are selfless and giving, and how we must open our eyes to learn from teachers all around us. |
Grade 5 | Mahabharata Part 1 Until Virata Parva: Children listen to the story in detail and learn about this rich and complex epic India the Sacred land: Saints Why India is sacred? Our rich heritage & saints and sages are our treasure. |
Grade 6 | Mahabharata Part 2 In-depth story telling to expose children to this rich and complex epic First 4 weeks - Recap of Mahabharata upto Virata Parva Complete Mahabharatha by end of academic year India the Sacred Land: Introduction and Saints Why India is sacred? Our rich heritage and saints & sages are our treasure. |
Grade 7 | Ramayana - by Rajagopalachari Analysis of main actors as we study the text in detail and understand how actions define character, how adherence to Dharma is portrayed in difficult situations. Vibhishana Gita (Keys to Success) Key To Success teaches children how to achieve success in the world by living a life that is rich in values. Emphasis is on the mind and how a disciplined mind achieves happiness and peace. |
Grade 8 | Symbolism in Hinduism Children learn why we have so many deities and how they are the symbols of the one Lord, who pervades all. These symbols teach us to live a life of harmony, fulfillment, and happiness. Yato Dharma Tato Jayah Discussion of Yaksha Prashnas and Yudhishtra's answers |
Grade 9 | Introduction to Hindu Culture Through this text children learn how a life lived as prescribed by the Hindu Samskaras can reduce stress and tension in life, easily setting and accomplishing lofty goals. Chinmaya Mission Pledge Discuss this beautiful work by Gurudev and how it provides a roadmap for responsible citizenship, engagement and upliftment of ourselves as well as society. |
Grade 10 - 12 | Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 to 6 Choosing selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita, an overview of the essence of Bhagavad Gita is provided to the children. The overview of the sacred text is provided without sacrificing the subtle and detailed analysis of relevant verses. A number of classroom activities are also conducted to prepare the children to answer questions and make choices based on everyday situations. |